Richard Gossen, Product Manager, FAA Systems

Richard Gossen leads the team responsible for several major ongoing assignments with the Federal Aviation Administration. These include the National Airport Data and Information Program supervising the actual inspections and processing of the airport safety data to the FAA’s Aeronautical Data Team (ADT) database and administering an FAA grant for reimbursing all 50 states for their airport inspections of public-use airports. He also oversees the Certification Compliance Management Information System (CCMIS), including the creation, maintenance, and training on a web application that enables FAA certified regional and Airport District Office inspectors to track information pertaining to an airports’ Part 139 Certification. Finally, he oversees the National Based Aircraft Inventory Program, a web-based application to track and inventory the approximately 144,000 validated based aircraft operating at over 2,900 airports nationwide, and the National Private use Airport Data Survey, a proactive mail out and online survey which allows contacted private use facilities the ability to submit airport data changes.

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