
Aviation: AirportIQ

Empowering staff to manage their revenue, safety and security programs, airport operations, and key resources, seamlessly to improve airport management and compliance.

TADERA offers software solutions to manage a variety of functions across an airport, including property and commercial management, revenue generation and management, operations and safety compliance, and security and credentialing. These solutions come together in the AirportIQ platform, an integrated system that connects key data and functions between departments.
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Each airport is a business with a similar problem: how to track and manage complex systems of property management, contracts, lease terms, billing, receivable and reporting. TADERA’s finance tools help airports manage property and revenue, as well as capital improvement programs.

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TADERA’s security modules support biometric credentialing, badging, continuous vetting, auditing, access management, and helps meet TSA security directives, while providing a fully integrated credentialing solution for your airport.

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TADERA’s operations modules include  comprehensive inspection and work order management; a safety management system to report, mitigate, and analyze safety issues; tools to manage  assets, compliance, and records; report and mitigate safety issues; and a collaborative tool to optimize gate utilization.

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Turn Information Into Actionable Insights Through AirportIQ+

In addition to the core business, operations, and security modules, AirportIQ can also integrate data from external or third-party systems to provide a holistic view of the entire airport. By joining these systems together, AirportIQ can transform data existing in siloed systems into meaningful information and actionable intelligence.

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“The TADERA team brings an incredible amount of domain experience within the aviation and airport space, as they have worked in and supported every sector of airport management.”

Rod Jones, Head of Americas, Modaxo