AirportIQ Secure Credentials: Achieve Compliance and Data Integrity with Streamlined Identity Management

A Comprehensive Solution to Identity Management
Nothing is more important than the security of an airport. And yet, few things are more time-consuming and manual than vetting every single person who comes through the doors. The AirportIQ Secure Credentials module consolidates identity management into a single platform, managing everything from background checks to biometric data, badging, continuous vetting, and auditing. With AirportIQ Secure Credentials, airports can achieve a paperless process, reduce manual, time-consuming, error-prone, and duplicate data entry in multiple standalone systems and Excel sheets, and comply with TSA regulations and security directives.
IDMS System that Improves Customer Service and Paperless Record Management
ASC is an enterprise software solution that simplifies identity management and badging through integration, automation, and accessibility. AirportIQ Security takes a multi-step, often manual process and turns it into one point of entry. The system captures and transmits fingerprints and other biometric information electronically, sends all data to the DAC at once, requests appropriate background checks, and sends notifications once results are received. Information is then stored in a centralized, real-time database, so airport staff don't need to re-enter the same information in multiple places. Access data is pre-loaded and critical information is associated with each record, minimizing data entry requirements and decreasing entry errors. Access rights are also inherited by role-based setup, so that users can only see the data intended for them. This results in a paperless process, reducing manual data entry and human errors.
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Integration with Your Airport Systems
AirportIQ Secure Credentials can integrate with a broad range of external hardware and software systems that airports use for background checks, fingerprinting, learning management, financial management, access control, and more. This allows you to run reports, process payments, and gain valuable and actionable insights into your badging process.
Automated Document Verification
TADERA Utilizes IDology Verify software, an AI-powered Identity Verification solution, to automatically analyze all documents submitted by badge applicants through our solution. This solution utilizes a multi-layered document analysis to confirm the validity of a document and that a person is who they say they are.
Self-Service Kiosk Automates and Streamlines the Badging Process
TADERA has been recognized as one of the most inventive and innovative IDMS manufacturers in the business, as exhibited by our optional, one-of-a-kind badging kiosk and our optional two-factor biometric authentication access card offering. The ASC Secure Credentials Kiosk automates and streamlines the entire badging process, making self-service easy for badge applicants, holders, and authorized signatories.
The kiosk replaces the workstation and peripheral hardware, resulting in efficient and accurate data collection and minimizing the administrative burden on operations personnel. The kiosk can scan key documents and automatically insert data into badge applications, eliminating manual data entry. It includes built-in document verification, which automates the process and allows for Trusted Agent oversight. Users can upload revised versions of documents, and our audit trail includes a date stamp, allowing for differentiation of documents.

Case Study: Transforming Identity Management at CAE
At the Columbia Metropolitan Airport, managing over 1,100 badges and coordinating with more than 140 companies was becoming a cumbersome task. The old system was prone to human error, inefficiency, and delays, which were unacceptable in such a high-stakes environment.
TADERA's ASC solution, managing background checks, biometric data, badging, continuous vetting, and auditing was the game-changer CAE needed. With the installation of two ASCX kiosks at CAE, personnel can now receive, update, and verify credentials, and keep up with recurrent training and regulatory requirements efficiently.
After implementing ASCX, CAE was able to cut its badge processing time by 70%.
Implementing a Statewide IDMS System in Alaska
Aviation is an essential mode of transportation in Alaska. TADERA is working with the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) to implement an Identity Management System at 17 airports across the state, to comply with TSA regulations.
TADERA's ASC platform and centralized database are securely housed within the State's data center in Anchorage. Every airport is equipped with fully operational workstations, seamlessly integrated with existing peripheral devices for a smooth operation. In the event of a network disruption, our innovative store and forward technology steps in, guaranteeing uninterrupted service. This cutting-edge approach not empowers each airport to efficiently manage the complete badging process for applicants.
Since adopting this software and kiosk,
we’ve seen our badging process
and our time investment with each of
our customers drop by more than 50%."